Firefighters battle fire, heavy smoke at structure outside Woodland Park

  • Source: KKTV CBS 11 Colorado Springs
  • Published: 09/11/2023 12:00 AM

Firefighters have contained a structure fire just outside of Woodland Park. The fire was reported around 10 a.m. in the Coyote Trail subdivision and was putting up so much smoke that surrounding homes were briefly evacuated. “We did have deputies going door to door because the smoke was so heavy, and we didn’t know if the fire was going to spread,” a spokesperson with the Teller County Sheriff’s Office told 11 News. The fire was declared under control by 10:40 a.m. Firefighters were able to keep it contained to the single structure. At the time of this writing, the sheriff’s office has not said what type of structure the affected building was. It’s unknown if anyone was in the structure at the time of the fire, and the sheriff’s office did not yet have information on the extent of damage.


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