Chula Vista couple nearly loses home of 40 years in fire

  • Source: KNSD-TV NBC 7 San Diego
  • Published: 09/08/2023 02:53 PM

VIDEO: These Chula Vista homeowners have lived in their home for about 40 years. Richard Eagan with the Chula Vista Fire Department said his team got called to the scene just before 5 a.m. on Friday. “The first unit on scene reported heavy smoke coming from the garage,” Eagan said. “It took us about 35 minutes for knockdown on this fire. It was a difficult fire. There were a lot of contents inside the garage.” A man who lives here suffered those serious burns when the fire burned through the garage early in the morning. He is now stable in the hospital. His wife was able to get out with no injuries. Also injured was a Chula Vista firefighter who was taken off the roof by his fellow firefighters, transported to the hospital and treated for heat exhaustion. He’s since been released and will be able to get back to work in the next few days.


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