Snohomish County says failing 911 system will cost $75 million to replace

  • Source: KIRO-TV CBS 7
  • Published: 01/18/2018 07:53 PM

Snohomish County officials say if immediate action to fix the system that allows dispatchers to talk to fire and police and for them to talk to each other - this is what will happen when you dial 911: “Unfortunately nothing,” said Snohomish County Sheriff Ty Trenary. City and county fire, city leaders, and dispatchers called a meeting Thursday to urge the county council to address the 19-year-old Motorola radio system. A replacement will cost an estimated $70 to $75 million and needs to happen before the current system is discontinued in 2020. “I think most of the city councils, a lot of them anyway, and most of the public safety agencies have weighed in with some kind of support of a measure going to the voters to let the voters decide,” explained Marysville Mayor Jon Nehring.


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