Pullman Fire Dept. & Clark Const. fundraiser helps buy thermal imaging cameras

  • Source: KLEW TV
  • Published: 11/02/2016 12:00 AM

In the effort to save lives, the Pullman Fire Department just got a new tool for fire calls. Firefighters received four thermal imaging cameras. On the camera the heat shows up as a bright white color. This will help firefighters find where the fire is right away, see where people are. Just last week, they used a thermal imaging camera in an apartment fire, and rescued a man from his burning apartment. Officials with the department say these four new cameras are a big upgrade from the ones they have now. “Little better technology, and picture color,” said Pullman Fire Dept. Chief Mike Heston. “We have technology to send the signal out to the command post if we need it and record certain things and take still pictures sometimes.”


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